Frequently asked questions about the epiAge test
Biological age provides an indication about how quickly the body has aged. This can differ significantly from person to person. Various factors play a role in this discrepancy. Surprisingly, however, a person’s inherited genes only play a limited role in this process whereas lifestyle and environmental factors are much more decisive. Chronological age, on the other hand, is measured in years and says little about the state of the body.
Please follow the instructions in your epiAge test kit carefully. As an epigenetic age determination method, the epiAge test is carried out in a high-tech laboratory, using a state of the art scientific approach. This means that an insufficient or contaminated sample can cause your test to fail or present an inaccurate result.
The epiAge test usually takes 6-8 weeks after you have sent your sample back to us. In exceptional cases, there may be a delay.
An epiAge follow-up test can be carried out at any time and it is even recommended that the epigenetic age be tested regularly. It can be used to monitor lifestyle interventions and anti-ageing measures. We recommend a period of 6 months between two tests. However, thanks to high accuracy, shorter intervals are also possible, for example, after significant lifestyle or diet changes have been made.
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Your test result represents your epigenetic age. The epigenetic age provides information about how fast or slowly you have aged biologically compared to the general population. You are 53 but feel like you are in your mid-40s? Your epigenetic test result can substantiate your gut feeling with scientific facts. If the opposite is true, you should consider changing your lifestyle and diet to stay dynamic and energetic.
No: neither we nor our partner laboratory store genetic data. Only methylation markers on your DNA are analysed. Once the analytical process has been completed, your sample is destroyed.
Your sample is labelled with a secure ID number. We issue it anonymously and can no longer assign it to a specific customer. With the secure ID, you can retrieve your test result anonymously.